Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Biotechnology is a fast-developing 21st century technology and
interdisciplinary science that has already made an impact on commercial and non-commercial aspects of human life, such as stem cell research, cloning, pharmaceuticals, food and agriculture, bioenergetics, and information technology. This book, appropriate for novices to the biotechnology / genetics fields and also for engineering and biology students, covers all of the fundamental principles of these modern topics. It has been written in a very simple manner for self-study and to explain the concepts and techniques in detail. In addition to the comprehensive coverage of the standard topics, such as cell growth and development, genetic principles (mapping, DNA, etc), protein structure, plant and animal cell cultures, and applications, the book includes up-to-date discussions of modern topics, e.g., medical advances, quality control, stem cell technology, genetic manipulation, patents, bioethics, and a review of mathematics.
Download Here!

~Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: An Introduction, 6th Edition T.A Brown~

Known world-wide as the standard introductory text to this important and exciting area,
the sixth edition of Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis addresses new and growing areas of research whilst retaining the philosophy of the previous editions. Assuming the reader has little prior knowledge of the subject, its importance, the principles of the techniques used and their applications are all carefully laid out, with over 250 clearly presented four-colour illustrations.
In addition to a number of informative changes to the text throughout the book, the final four chapters have been significantly updated and extended to reflect the striking advances made in recent years in the applications of gene cloning and DNA analysis in biotechnology.
Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis remains an essential introductory text to a wide range of biological sciences students; including genetics and genomics, molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology and applied biology. It is also a perfect introductory text for any professional needing to learn the basics of the subject. All libraries in universities where medical, life and biological sciences are studied and taught should have copies available on their shelves.
Download Here!